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Gungoren Mimar Yahya Bas Stadyumu

Gungoren Belediyespor Stadium Capacity

Gungoren Mimar Yahya Bas Stadyumu Capacity: 7589
Club/Tennants: Gungoren Belediyespor

Gungoren Mimar Yahya Bas Stadyumu Stadium

Gungoren Mimar Yahya Bas Stadyumu Capacity

Gungoren Mimar Yahya Bas Stadyumu is a football stadium located in the city/town of Istanbul in Turkey, Europe. Gungoren Mimar Yahya Bas Stadyumu has a maximum stadium capacity of 7589 spectators. Gungoren Belediyespor are the main occupants of the stadium. Gungoren Belediyespor play their domestic home football fixtures at Gungoren Mimar Yahya Bas Stadyumu.

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